DOBBY + 額外原裝電池 + 原裝靜音槳 $1139 組合優惠
請把 DOBBY Battery + Propellers Package 一併加進購物車,
ZEROTECH DOBBY Pocket Selfie Drone 袖珍自拍無人機
The DOBBY pocket drone with high definition camera takes your seflie game to new heights. A quad core processor, facial recognition and dual satellite positioning are cleverly packed into this fun mini selfie drone. Innovative and easy to use, the DOBBY pocket drone can be flown safely indoors or out while the high definition camera expertly captures clear, professional looking photos and videos. The intuitive accompanying app transforms your phone into a flight controller and lets you monitor your images in real time. A handy sharing function gets photos to family and friends with just one click.
DOBBY 袖珍自拍無人機憑藉其高性能拍攝性能開創了自拍 seflie 的新境界。 專業性能的四核芯處理器,面部識別和雙衛星定位巧妙地裝在這個有趣的迷你自拍照無人機。 創新和平易近人的操控使 DOBBY 可以安全地在室內或室外飛行,而高清晰度相機拍出專業的照片和影片,直覺操控的專屬 APP 將您的手機變成飛行控制器,讓您實時觀看到您的圖像,只需點擊一下即可為家人和朋友拍照/拍攝影片並同時分享到社交媒體。
Intelligent Flying
Dobby adopts Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, which integrates and empowers flight control, electronic image stabilization, computer vision and image transmission systems. Enjoy phone or gesture-based control.
採用 SMART 智能方案的袖珍自拍無人機
集合專業飛控、電子穩像、電腦視覺、圖像傳輸等演算法融入 Qualcomm ® Snapdragon™ 四核芯處理器中,讓飛行更安全自如
Portable Power
The folding DOBBY drone weighs just 199g. Brushless DC electric motor, field-oriented control (FOC), vector control and three-way cooling solutions make for strong, safe flight performance.
手掌大小 . 專業技術
DOBBY 袖珍自拍無人機重僅 199g, 採用 AkzoNobel 物料製造, 獨有折疊技術令 DOBBY 體積更小巧,易於攜帶,特別設計的螺旋槳設計無需拆除,折疊後便可即時放入背包或手提袋,快捷收納。 而細小的機身同時內置多種專業技術,包括無刷直流摩打,磁場定向控制(FOC),矢量控制和三通冷卻解決方案等,先進功能一手掌握。
Advanced Camera Quality
With 13 million pixels, 4K-image acquisition and a 1080P high definition digital video stabilizer, DOBBY lets you capture professional looking photos and videos from unique perspectives.
高清拍攝 . 電子穩像
配備專業的高清攝像頭, 以 4K 影像採集並經過電子穩像後輸出 1080p 高清視頻, 即使在飛行時拍攝視頻也不顯模糊 , 支援 1,300 萬像素照片 (4208×3120) 和 1080P (1920×1080) 影片錄製。
A New Angle on Selfies
See yourself, and the world around you, from a new perspective with the DOBBY camera drone. Dual satellite navigation and steady hovering capabilities make for smooth and easy flying both indoors and out. With the touch of a button, Dobby can fly at an optimal path for 10 /30 / 60 seconds while taking a short video. Professional quality aerial videos have never been easier.
自拍新角度 . 從此不一樣
DOBBY 同時支援室外及室內飛行, 室外採用 GPS 及 GLONASS 雙衛星定位,加速在戶外的快速定位以及支援更多如 10 /30 / 60 秒自拍等進階功能,加上可承受四級風速的穩定拍攝,壯麗景色高空自拍垂手可得! GPS 模式最大上升高度達 50 米,空曠環境下控制距離 100 米。而室內則採用先進的光流及超聲波定位系統,即使在室內無 GPS 信號的環境中,DOBBY 也能提供流暢及穩定的飛行,達至精準懸停以及靈巧避障的室內飛行要求。 以後要自拍 Selfie, 又點止傳統玩法?
DOBBY's Built-in Smart functions
Smart Technologies to Up Your Aerial Selfie Game:
Throw and Fly - Toss DOBBY in the air and let DOBBY landing on your hand
Voice Controls - Give DOBBY voices commands and watch it take off and land
Face Tracing - DOBBY can use facial recognition to lock onto and track subjects
Create 10 /30 / 60 Second Film - Allows DOBBY fly higher and back and take videos within 10/30/60 seconds
Orbit Tracing - racks the user and automatically records videos in a circular orbit and more and more new features...
DOBBY內置多種自動拍攝功能 , 一按即用!
掌上起飛 / 降落 - 智能感應用家動作, 讓小小的 DOBBY 直接從您手上耍酷起飛及安全降落
語音指令 - 您可通過向 App 輸入語音指令,控制飛行器起飛及降落
人臉識別 - 快速掃描並記憶人臉面部特徵,自主跟隨活動中的拍攝對象
10 / 30 / 60 秒短片 - 全自動執行的後飛廣角拍攝功能,輕易拍攝出由近鏡逐漸變成遠鏡的拉伸電影感效果
環繞飛行 - 鎖定目標並以此作中心點環繞 360 度飛行拍攝,營造出動感十足的難忘鏡頭
更多功能將陸續開放 ...
Activate Target Tracking to stay connected with objects
Based on advanced Computer Vision technology, DOBBY can track moving people or objects to do the creative video.
目標跟隨 . 追踪拍攝
憑藉先進的影像計算,DOBBY 可以跟隨移動的人或物體進行拍攝。
Dual-Band 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi
DOBBY have the capability to transmit on the 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz wireless band, to avoid the interference at a complex network environment, such as Hong Kong Urban area.
雙無線頻段 . 減低環境干擾
DOBBY 具有在 5 GHz 和 2.4 GHz 雙無線頻段,可以隨時切換以減低在香港巿區等復雜環境的干擾。
Get Started with the Easy-to-Use ‘Do.Fun’ App
With built-in tutorials on the free Do.Fun app for DOBBY you will up your aerial selfie game in 5 minutes Do.Fun is also your go-to interface for controlling drones shooting video,taking pictures and do the monitoring in real-time during the flight.
5 分鐘上手 . 簡易操控人人識用
無須額外攜帶一個獨立遙控器, 透過 DOBBY 專屬的 Do.Fun APP,可隨時配合 iOS 及 Android 手機即時將航拍影像傳送到眼前,相機和功能都盡在你的手機上。飛行途中可輕鬆查看飛行狀態和控制各種參數或功能。 加上簡易清晰的操控介面 , 五分鐘快速學習讓你成為無人機玩家!
Advanced Charging System
Advanced charging system for the DOBBY Pocket Done conveniently charges your battery so you can get back to enjoying your aerial drone. To begin charging, simply insert your drone’s battery into the charger, use the Type C to USB cable to connect the charger to the adapter, and plug the adapter into a power socket. For fastest results, use the Quick Charge 2.0 battery charger in combination with the adapter to enable the quick charge technology. The charger can also connect to a power bank equipped with a USB port.
支援流動充電器 . 隨時隨地快速充電
DOBBY 先進的可拆式電池輕巧無比,可使用流動充電器便可替電池充電,用家可在戶外也能快速充電。 使用 USB Type-C Quick Charge 2.0,只需 20 分鐘便充滿約 80%,大約 30-40 分鐘便可充滿電池。 一顆充滿的 DOBBY 電池能拍攝約 200 張照片。 電池容量 970mAh,重量只有 50g,續航時間達 9 分鐘。先進的電源管理,電池只需一鍵可即時了解電量,無需再打開 APP 才知道電量。
- ZEROTECH 原裝正貨,我們提供一年保養服務。
- This product is covered by a full 12 month's warranty by us.
Weight (including battery)
Length (Not including propellers)
Folded up:135mm×67mm×36.8mm
Maximum Usage Height (meters above sea level)
3000 m
Flight Duration
9 min(At 0m above sea level)
Operating Temperature
0 ~ 40°C
Positioning System
Outdoors:GPS/GLONASS Dual band
Optical flow + Ultrasonic wave(illuminance>15 lux)
Maximum Height Using GPS
According to your country’s regulations
Controlling Distance
100m (In open area with no obstructions)
Maximum Height Using Optic Flow
3 m
Hovering Accuracy
Vertical:+/-0.1 meters(During normal operation with optical flow positioning);+/-0.5 meters (Outdoors)
Horizontal:+/- 0.3 metres(During normal operation with optical flow positioning);+/- 1.0 meters (Outdoors)
0 ~ 40°C
光流+超聲波(照度>15 Lux)
3 m
垂直:+/- 0.1 米 (光流定位正常工作時);+/- 0.5 米(室外)
水準:+/- 0.3 米 (光流定位正常工作時);+/- 1.0 米(室外)
支持 USB Type-C Quick Charge 2.0 快充
Do.Fun APP control (iOS/Android)