DJI Spark


Sale price $2,699.00 Regular price $4,128.00
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark
DJI Spark


Meet Spark, a mini drone that features all of DJI's signature technologies, allowing you to seize the moment whenever you feel inspired. With intelligent flight control options, a mechanical gimbal, and a camera with incredible image quality, Spark empowers you to push your creative boundaries.


小身型,大身手。障礙感知結合機器視覺,操控易如反掌。機械雲台配以 UltraSmooth,航拍穩定流暢。最高時速 50 公里,2 公里高清圖傳,手掌大小的「曉」Spark,讓你盡享飛行樂趣。

Quick Launch

With FaceAware, Spark lifts off from your hand by recognizing your face(***). It takes off and hovers in place within seconds of powering on.

開機後 25 秒內準備就緒,放上手掌(***)開啓人臉檢測,解鎖後啓動升空,隨時為你拍照。 飛行、拍攝、返航,這些原本需要行動裝置或遙控器(遙控器為選配件,若非全能套裝組合需另購)的操作,現在揮揮手也可以完成。

Simple Control
Take amazing serial photos using just hand gestures, without a remote controller or mobile device(*).

只需在行動裝置上輕輕一點,即使你從未接觸過無人機,也能拍出精彩的航拍影片。 自動剪輯、加入濾鏡、套上模板,全在 DJI GO 4 應用實現,並一鍵在社交網絡上分享。

Intelligent Flight Modes
Smart, Reliable, and Incredibly Intuitive Quick shot video with Tap Let Spark take professional shots for you. QuickShots help you shoot amazing footage with cinematic composition.
Rocket - Ascend with the camera pointing download.
Dronle - Fly backward and upward, with the camera locked on your subject.
Circle - Circle around your target.
Helix - Fly upward, spiraling around your subject.

一鍵短片:點一下,拍出精彩短片 無論你是不是專業攝影師,Spark 都能自動為你拍出專業的精彩鏡頭。只需輕輕一點,Spark 能以多種預設飛行方式進行拍攝,確保構圖精妙絕倫。
沖天:Spark 垂直上升,鏡頭俯視目標。
漸遠:Spark 邊後退邊上升,鏡頭跟隨目標。
環繞:Spark 以拍攝目標為中心,環繞飛行。
螺旋:Spark 以拍攝目標為中心,螺旋上升。

High-Performance Camera: Amazing Images and Stabilized Video
- Mechanical Gimbal
- Powerful Lens
- 1/2.3' Sensor
- UltraSmooth

- 機械增穩雲台
- 專業航拍鏡頭
- 1/2.3 英吋傳感器
- UltraSmooth

FLIGHT PERFORMANCE: Awesome potential, immersive experiences
- 50 kph Powerful Propulsion (*) 
- 2 km HD Wi-Fi Video Transmission (***)
- 16 min Max Flight Time(****)
- FPV Flight Immersive Experience(*****)

- 50公里/小時強勁動力(*)
- 2公里Wi-Fi 高清圖傳(**)
- 16分鐘持久續航(****)
- FPV飛行身臨其境(*****)

Flight Safety: Worry-free flight in the palm of your hand
- FlightAutonomy
- Return to Home
- Flight Protection
- Intelligent Battery

- FlightAutonomy 飛行安全核心
- 自動返航
- 更合理的航空規劃
- 智能電池

- DJI 原裝正貨,我們提供一年保養服務。
- This product is covered by a full 12 month's warranty by us.

- DJI Spark 相關介紹及規格,請按此參閱

(*) Propeller guards are recommended when using these functions. (**) Remote controller (optional accessory) required. (***) Unobstructed, free of interference, with remote controller when FCC compliant. (****) Estimated flight time is based on flying in windless conditions at a constant speed of 12.4 mph (20 kph). Actual flight times may vary depending on your environment. (*****) Remote controller required; DJI Goggles compatibility coming soon.

(*) 需配搭遙控器(選配件)。 (**)FCC 標準,使用遙控器在無干擾室外空曠環境測得。 (***)使用此功能時,建議配合槳葉保護罩。 (****)電池使用時間在無風環境下,以時速 20 公里均速飛行測得,實際使用時間或因環境和飛行方式不同而有所差異。 (*****)即將適配,需配搭遙控使用。

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